Month: July 2018

Swift Message

This is a table of swift message.   MT MT Name Purpose 101 Request For Transfer Requests to debit a customer’s account held at the receiver or at another institution. 102 Multiple Customer Credit Transfer Conveys multiple payment instructions between financial...

Mule ESB

Mule is a lightweight java-based enterprise service bus and integration platform – allows to integrate with JMS, Web Service, JDBC, HTTP etc. Deployment:  Access the directory and folder in which downloaded Mule. For example, type: cd /Users/myname/Downloads/mule-standalone-3.8.0/ Start Mule. For example,...

core java – thread

Thread: Ways to create a thread:  1. Implements Runnable interface class MyThread implements Runnable { public void run() { System.out.println("concurrent thread started running.."); } } class MyThreadDemo { public static void main( String args ) { MyThread mt = new MyThread();...


今天早晨在涂脸的时候,想想天气阴,不想涂气垫粉饼了。结果豆豆下床举着那个粉饼问我,“妈妈,你怎么没涂这个?” 没想到这臭小子喝着奶也认真观察我,还能注意到这个小细节。估计以后细心暖男肯定胜过他爸:)心里真是开心!...

British Council 第一节课

本来我一心想自己给毛毛补英语,结果季承非要报英语班。后来我决定报British Council,季承又犹豫了。Anyway,决定报半年试一试。第一节课其他的孩子有准备Spelling Test,当时我想毛毛应该不会太差,因为我一直有教她一本phonics的书。但是教的时候我就发现她都会,于是决定加大难度让她做了几次spelling。各种玩游戏才可以encourage 一点,像我一样热爱spelling的人数不多:)结果在没有提前准备的情况下毛毛的Spelling基本全对15/16,还有句子,错了一个snug。我很是开心,老公讲的时候,我看毛毛很得意:)希望毛毛英文越来越棒!...