First 100 Words

Social Function Words more, please, thank you, hi/hello, bye-bye, again, sorry,?uh-oh, yes/uh-huh/okay, no/uh-uh Common Action Words (Verbs) eat, drink, go, stop, run, jump, walk, sleep/night-night, wash, kiss, open, close, push, pull, fix, broke, play,want, hug, love, hurt, tickle, give (“gimme”), all...


Local testing with http server: #To develop run chrome without cross domain checking /Applications/Google\\ Chrome –disable-web-security #safari open -a '/Applications/' --args --disable-web-security ##To run a local web server using python to have a look in the browser how it works...

6 days in hongkong and macau

In general, it is all about delicious food. Hongkong is crowded, and macau is quiet. Day 1: 早层到了casa hotel, 油麻地地铁站旁边. Hotel room is extremely small. It is convenient around hotel, got temple street, portland street around. All kinds of nice food, and...

Git Proxy

create gitconfig: user> git config –global “jayceee” user> git config –global user> git config –global -e edit gitconfig to add in: [http] proxy = http://mydomain\\myusername:mypassword@myproxyserver:8080...